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“Political moment” prevents Brazilians from disputing eSports World Championship in Indonesia

The winning teams of the Eletronic Sports Brazilian Championship 2016 [Campeonato Brasileiro de Esportes Eletrônicos], held by the Brazilian Confederation of Eletronic Sport [Confederação Brasileira do Desporto Eletrônico (CBDEL)] and the Ministry of Sport, were forgotten by the organization and missed their spot at Jacarte World Cup in Indonesia.

According to e-Athlete William Lima, CBDEL informed the participants that the current political moment would be an impediment to the participation.

But a series of problems and misunderstandings from the entity responsible for the Brazilian e-Sport may have been determinant to the situation as reported by an article on ESPN’s website.

The national championship held in August, 2016 for example had no narration or video streaming of the games due to connectivity problems.

“Daniel Cossi, president of CBDEL, says that ‘due to the government exchange’ the Sports Ministry ‘lost memory’”, affirmed the Counter Strike competitor. This lead to a delay on acquiring the air tickets and to missing the start date of the international tournament.

“The trip was cancelled at the last minute”, commented Wagner "Donair" Paz, a HearthStone player that bore the expenses of documentations and vaccines demanded for the travel.

According to the article, the entity would have offered the players a “compensation” through the payment of R$2 thousand for each one.

The Ministry and the Confederation have not pronounced about the case.

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