Tem Sea of Stars. Tem Child of Light. Tem jogos independentes bons e games triple A muito bacanas para você ficar de olho. São jogos do Steam em desconto na loja brasileira Nuuvem. Quase 100% de desconto. Vamos conferir a lista abaixo e entender do que se trata?
- F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin (Monolith Productions) — R$ 3,49 (-95%)
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor – GOTY Edition (Monolith Productions) — R$ 4,49 (-95%)
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War Definitive Edition (Monolith Productions) — R$ 12,49 (-95%)
- Scribblenauts Unlimited (5th Cell Media) — R$ 4,46 (-95%)
- Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure (5th Cell Media) — R$ 1,83 (-95%)
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (Gearbox Software) — R$ 9,99 (-90%)
- BioShock: The Collection (Irrational Games) — R$ 23,80 (-80%)
- Immortals Fenyx Rising (Ubisoft) — R$ 38,00 (-79%)
- Borderlands 2 Game of the Year Edition (Gearbox Software) — R$ 21,78 (-78%)
- BioShock Infinite (2K) — R$ 22,25 (-75%)
- Child of Light (Ubisoft) — R$ 13,50 (-69%)
- Borderlands Game of the Year Enhanced (Gearbox Software) — R$ 23,10 (-66%)
- Sea of Stars (Sabotage Studio) — R$ 69,99 (-30%)
- Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter (Odd Bug Studio) — R$ 67,99 (-20%)
- Hyper Light Breaker (Heart Machine) — R$ 104,99 (-16%)

Sea of Stars. Foto: Divulgação/Montagem Pedro Zambarda/Drops de Jogos
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