Relic Hunters Free-to-Play Manifesto - Drops de Jogos

Relic Hunters Free-to-Play Manifesto

Text by Marcos Venturelli, brazilian dev, on his Facebook Page. It follows these guidelines of Drops de Jogos.

Foto: Divulgação

With Relic Hunters Legend, we want to help fix Free-to-Play games.

We are inspired by great and honest free games such as Path of Exile and Warframe. We want to do our part in showing that “free” and “good” can go hand-in-hand.

One of my game design idols, Richard Garfield, wrote “A Game Players’ Manifesto”1 one year ago. He talked about Free-to-Play – what was right with it, what was wrong with it. One year later, it’s still relevant. Exploitative tactics are getting more common in Free-to-Play games, and there are new young gamers being introduced to our beloved hobby through them.

Free games are a beautiful thing. There are no barriers for people across the world to join together and play. There’s always people to play with. There is no DLC dividing the community. We want to bring free games to everyone and show our love and passion of video games does not come at a price.

We’d love to keep it completely free like we did with Relic Hunters Zero. But Relic Hunters Legend will require a full-time team – that’s why we need money. Extra revenue goes to expand and improve the game. We’re not trying to get rich. This is how we plan to do this:

– There will be absolutely no “Pay-to-Win” or “Pay Wall”. Never. Ever.

– Everything in the game will be achievable by players who don’t spend money.

– There will be options for everyone: those who spend a little, those who spend a lot, and those who spend nothing. You are all Hunters, money won’t change that.

– If you are anxious about deciding how much to spend, there will be a “Premium” option that is balanced to be the optimal experience, with a steady stream of premium currency – don’t stress about enjoying the game, that’s our job!

– We will always be transparent about our intentions, about how our microtransactions work, and why. Communication is key in a relationship, and we want our relationship with you to be long-term.

That’s it. Relic Hunters Legend will be handled with care, we will never exploit our fans, and the only thing we demand from you is that you enjoy our game and each other’s company in a healthy and responsible way.


Mark Venturelli and the Relic Hunters Legend Team, 2017

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