Relic Hunters Legend Fully Funded and Reaches Stretch Goal - Drops de Jogos

Relic Hunters Legend Fully Funded and Reaches Stretch Goal

Release to the press on November 6th. It follows these guidelines of Drops de Jogos.

Foto: Divulgação

Yesterday, Rogue Snail concluded their Kickstarter campaign for Relic Hunters Legend by by raising a total of $55,185. The campaign even reached its first stretch goal: "Asteroid Dungeon", an endless challenge mode with daily and seasonal leaderboards.

Additionally Rogue Snail released a Multiplayer Game Demo to all their Alpha tier backers immediately after the end of the campaign, allowing fans to get a glimpse of early gameplay.

Open development to the game has now begun, with the developers sharing roadmaps and a public Trello board with their Kickstarter backers.

People can still get immediate access to the game and participate in development through a "Founders" program, which operates like a "Slacker-Backer" campaign. Players can pledge to support further develoment and join the Kickstarter community.

The Founders program is available on the game's website:

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